Tourette's Awareness Month will run from 15th May to 15th June 2022 and this year we want to embrace and celebrate some of the more positive aspects of living with TS. So we are asking all our members What’s Your SuperPower?

We have launched a social media campaign and are asking every one of you to share with us your SuperPowers. We have also had a special Superhero photo effects app created for Facebook and Instagram for this event. There are 10 different superhero masks to choose from. Simply open the photo filter, select your favourite superhero mask and post this to Facebook or Instagram along with a comment about your own unique superpower. You can also post a video on the Facebook version if you prefer.
Please tag the official Tourette Scotland social media account into your post so we can share your story with the wider TS community.
Facebook: @ticcingtogether
Instagram: @tourettescotland
Many famous people with TS have openly discussed this concept over the past few years. For example, TV presenter and host of the Amazon Prime series The Three Drinkers Aidy Smith describes his Tourette’s not as a weakness but as his own superpower. He believes it gave him the energy to focus on his passions and led to his successful media career.
Podcasting inventor Adam Curry credits his Tourette’s as being the main factor behind his world-famous creation. He feels it gave him the ability to visualise the entire concept from start to finish and without his Tourette’s podcasting may never have been invented.
He has also documented his Tourette’s superpowers over many years. These include things such as a photographic memory for numbers and addresses. Or slightly more obscure powers such as the ability to catch a falling glass in mid-air.
So we want to know What’s Your SuperPower?

Is there a particular sport or video game that you outperform all your friends?
Are you an accomplished artist or musician?
Can you do rapid maths calculations in your head?
Do you excel at magic or cards tricks?
Is there a music artist whose songs you know all the words to off by heart?
Are you a whiz at sudoku, crosswords or jigsaw puzzles?
Are you empathetic, compassionate and understanding?
Whatever your own unique superpower is please let us know and let's celebrate these for Tourette's awareness month.