Meet the Committee

Tourette Scotland is a charity close to my heart as I have 3 family members with Tourette's. My niece and nephews have taught me so much and I am immensely proud of them and their achievements. In my day job I am an Occupational Therapist so I bring many of my skills to the work I do with the charity. My interests and hobbies are many but my favourite is NERF, yes, I love to run around big venues like football stadiums and shopping malls with toy blasters, shooting zombies and other people!! It's so much fun! I also love the gym, I love classes and lifting weights and the many lovely people I've met along the way. Finally, I love a good gig, preferably heavy rock or metal (yes, I know, I don't quite look like a heavy metal fan or rock chick ;-)).

I got involved with Tourette Scotland through a recommendation by a friend. Our son suffers from a wide array of tics and Tourette Scotland has provided invaluable support for both him and us. When I'm not working, we enjoy walks in the hills, cycling and caring for animals.

My name is Carol and I'm a mum, foster carer and also an artist. I came across Tourette Scotland after 'googling' Tourette's whilst my youngest child was in the process of getting their diagnosis. The help and support given then, and since, by Tourette Scotland has been truly invaluable to our child and to our whole family. I wanted to do something to help the charity and volunteered to be elected to the committee as secretary.

Derek is very shy, so we've written this for him and chosen the logo to save his blushes ;-)
Derek is currently our treasurer and has been a trustee of the charity since 2012.
He is a man of few words but a whizz with a spreadsheet, with a great eye for the details!

I'm Lauren and I have Tourette's myself, along with some of the coexisting conditions to varying degrees. I'm married to Craig and we have two cats. I first started ticcing at 4 1/2 but I wasn't diagnosed until I was almost 22. After growing up feeling so different, it was a relief to have a name for it and I set about learning what I could. That's how I found Tourette Scotland, it was amazing to meet other people like me and it was genuinely like gaining a second family. I'm really proud of the work we do and love being a part of it. When I'm not working I love music and going to gigs, movies, photography, walking and going to the gym. I also still love Lego ;-)

I'm Gillian, from Glasgow. I'm married to David and have a son, Ross. Ross was diagnosed with Tourette's at age 9 and since then, Tourette Scotland has been, at times, a lifeline! I am a Support for Learning Worker and find it challenging but rewarding. I recently stepped down as a Boy's Brigade Leader after 30 years. I love travelling, all things Disney, and a good blether!

I'm Andrena, a mum of two girls. We originally reached out to the charity after my, then, 15 year old had a sudden onset of a variety of tics and non-epileptic seizures. Being overwhelmed and under-supported I was so grateful to finally meet people who understood and they've helped her build her confidence. In my work life I'm an Advocacy worker which I love. In my spare time I enjoy walking with my dog and spending time with family.

I have had TS since as young as I can remember, it has gradually worsened through both childhood and as an adult. I never allowed it to curtail my ambitions, from computer programmer, plumbing heating and electrical engineer, IT consultant and academically achieving a bachelors and a masters degree. I like to spend time in my workshop either making, mending or simply sitting back looking at the fantastic view. I did not get an official diagnosis for TS until my late 20s. I moved from Yorkshire for the Scottish Highlands and intend to dedicate my time to the TS community, sharing my lived experiences to advance the lives of others.